Sustainability is one of the three fundamental priorities of our future strategy, and it drives us forward and commits us to working by contributing to the construction of a better and more sustainable World.
We focus all our efforts on pursuing sustainable long-term excellence at the economic, human and environmental levels and for years this commitment has been present in the culture of all our staff and in the operations, projects and decisions that we take on.
Always sharing and taking account of the interests of all our stakeholders, who are those who contribute to the generation of business value, customers, people who are part of the group, external partners, supply chain and alliances, Environment and Society in general.
United Nations Global Compact
Since 2013, we have been committed to the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact on Human Rights, Labour Rights, the Environment and the fight against corruption.
The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda (SDG) are now the framework for future development and our daily activity. With the 17 Sustainable Development goals as absolute priorities, Irizar has set out on the road towards achieving these ambitious objectives.
Our Sustainability approach covers actions at the levels of:

Production and value chain
We uphold an open and transparent culture with the firm conviction that business activities with respect for total integrity are the only basis possible for achieving sustained success.
We are recognised for integrity, business ethics and transparency. We are convinced that the main instrument for strengthening Integrity is an Organizational Culture based on shared ethical values and assumed by all, as it offers the best way to prevent bad practice, illegal or even criminal behaviours.
We are committed to and we constantly monitor legal and ethical standards internally and globally and their compliance and we carry out risk management. We share and extend this commitment and sustainable action to the rest of the stakeholders (customers, suppliers, external partners, government agencies, etc.).

We work hard every day to satisfy our customers and earn their loyalty by building close relationships and offering them the best products and services, including sustainability aspects.

Products and services
We continue to offer our customers and society the maximum added value, providing them with cutting-edge products and services created and developed thanks to the knowledge of the entire Group, which provide a differential in safety, reliability, sustainability, technology and profitability.
The Irizar Group's electromobility is a good example of our objectives towards a sustainable world. Aware of the environmental and health aggressions to which industrial development and public transport have subjected the planet and people, the Irizar Group wants to lead the transition of change and develops pioneering integral solutions for sustainable mobility, without polluting emissions (zero emissions), noiseless, efficient, reliable, accessible and totally safe.

Production and value chain
Our suppliers and the rest of our external partners are able to offer products and services that help us to improve our brand and our competitive position. So, the supply chain is a key component of corporate sustainability, and the Irizar Group promotes and supports responsible processes for the purchase of raw materials and services.
We strive to work closely with suppliers and partners for compliance with our sustainability principles and also in their businesses. For us, it is essential that they meet the same sustainability standards that we have established for ourselves.
We facilitate a high level of integration in our daily operations and we encourage and promote the establishment of effective alliances by taking advantage of the experience and strategies of the different actors.

The people are undoubtedly the key players in achieving sustainable medium and long-term results. Having high levels of satisfaction and motivation for all is the only way to achieve a culture of excellence, sustainable competitiveness and the future success of the Irizar Group.
We offer fair, high-quality, attractive working conditions with long-term prospects and we invest in talent. Training and personal and professional development are important. Digitalisation and automation are new scenarios to which we must adapt.
We promote trust, communication, leadership, participation in management and results, self-management, and teamwork.
We uphold equality, non-discrimination and respect for diversity and we facilitate co-responsibility and work-life balance to safeguard the long-term health and safety of our staff and their families.
We promote work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, and we are concerned to ensure that each individual actively contributes to environmental balance to minimize any impact resulting from our activities and to the protection of the natural environment.

We maintain our commitment to growth and the creation of wealth and employment, creating quality jobs for people in the environments and countries where we operate.
Our relationship with society is respectful, open and participatory, collaborating in culture, education and sport in our immediate environment, as well carrying out social work in our immediate surroundings and in the world's most disadvantaged areas.”
All of our achievements are based on our efforts, made financially as well as the dedication of the persons that comprise Irizar, which contributes to building a better socio-economic environment and a better society, of which we are an integral part of.
The Environment
Our commitment to the environment dates back to 1998 when Irizar became the first European coach manufacturer to obtain ISO14001 certification.
We continue to make significant progress in all matters relating to the progressive reduction of CO2 emissions and other pollutants, as well as the introduction of environmental criteria in the design of our products, encouraging a spirit of respect towards the environment among employees, customers, suppliers and partners.
We invest to make efficient cutting-edge environmental products and technologies applied to the entire product life cycle available to all. The generation and use of more and more renewable energy in our plants is an objective.
We have circular economy projects, focused on optimizing consumption and minimizing waste with landfill disposal, maximizing reuse or recycling.
We collaborate with society, the environment, and institutions in the design of positive socially and environmentally sustainable development. Our active commitment must be applied to its care and protection.
We contribute actively to the environmental balance, working to minimise any impact derived from our activities while preserving the natural environment.